Page 'Video'
Page 'Video'

      Page 'Video' of the window "Options..." is intended for adjusting of the parameters of playback video and animation files. The adjustable parameters of the page are divided into the following groups on logical and functional basis:

  • Preview Box Size
  • Restriction for preview window
  • Information...
  • FLIC animation
  • GIF animation

      The group 'Preview Box Size' contains the control elements for changing the playback window size. By means of elements of given group it is possible to assign standard size of the playback window, as well as your own size.

      The group 'Restriction for preview window' contains the only parameter 'Minimal width of the preview window' which is intended to set the minimum width of playback window in all modes of work. Setting too small value can the result in malfunctions of the program so it is recommended not to change given value.

      The group 'Information...' which contains the only parameter 'Show information about parameters of playbacking file' is intended to control modes of information on video or animation file.

      The group 'FLIC animation" contains the control elements, which allow to adjust the playback speed of FLIC formats, as well as assign the mode of automatic rewind of a file at the end of playbacking (so-called round-robin playback).

      The group 'GIF animation" contains the control elements, which allow to adjust the playback speed of GIF formats, as well as assign the mode of automatic rewind of a file at the end of playbacking (so-called round-robin playback).